The Treasury, Petra | Al-Deir (The Monastery), Petra | The white dome of Aaron's Tomb, Petra | Al-Deir (The Monastery), Petra |
High Place of Sacrifice, Petra | Qasr Al-Bint Temple | The Royal Tombs, Petra | The Treasury, Petra |
The Lion Monument (or fountain), Petra | Nabataean rock-carved inscriptions | The Nabataeans | Urn Tomb, Petra |
Aaron's Tomb, Petra | The Treasuy as viewed and painted by David Robert's | Horse-drawn carriage at Al-Siq | Goddess of Hayyan son of Nybat, Winged Lions Temple |
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The facade of a Tomb at Beidha, Siq Al-Barid | The Theater, Petra | Al-Deir (The Monastery), Petra | |